Home » She Does It ALL: Erica L. Frazier; Comedian, Mother, Entertainer

She Does It ALL: Erica L. Frazier; Comedian, Mother, Entertainer

Name: Erica L. Frazier 

Family dynamics: As a widow with children that are practically adults, I let my family flow as necessary. I allow my children to make their own choices. I offer my advice when they ask and let them be free. Many people say that you can’t be “besties” with your children. I can. I have managed to raise two beautiful black women who are loving, respectful, as well as dedicated to being the best that they can be in life.

Hobbies/ Pastime: My hobbies are comedy and social media. I have been doing stand up comedy for the last 6 years and I have about 700,000 followers on social media between all platforms. My pastime? I would have to say cheer. I cheered in high school and joined a pro squad after. I really miss it. Lol

Business/ Talent: My business/ talent is certainly entertainment. I haved developed a profitable business from comedy, social media, as well as advertisement. 

Where are you from? I was born as raised in Jackson, Ms.

What are you passionate about? What is the driving force behind it? I am very passionate about my comedy career. My stage and social presence means the world to me. The only thing that drives me to keep going are my fans. They always keep me on my toes! 

What is your skill set? My dedication is everything. I have the ability to push through my toughest days with comedy. People find it hard to take me seriously due to the fact that I remain a comedian in the worst times. I can”t help it, it’s who I am, not just what I do. 

What sets you apart from others of your same field? I feel that my originality sets me apart from others. Most of what I do is ORIGINAL, mine. I won’t say that here and there I don’t imitate comedy that I see here and there; but even then I put my own spin on it and make it my own.

What’s your purpose in life? I feel that my purpose in life is to uplift others. That may be through comedy, entertainment, or maybe even public speaking. 

If you could choose any career in the world, would you still choose the career or talent you have?? YES!! 

What would you tell your younger self? So many things.  1. Attend and graduate from an HBCU! 2. Wait until marriage to have children. 3. Always be yourself! Regardless of how it feels! BE YOU!!!

Knowing what you know now, would you change anything in your past?? Of course! I would change my perception on my life. I used to always regret things about my life that I couldn’t change, had no control over. I wanted what everyone else had: the two parent household, the lifestyle, the education. What I had to learn was, it’s what I went through that made me who I am. I thank God for everything that I have endured because it made me who I am! 

Who are your role models? If I had to choose, it would be Viola Davis, Sanaa Lathan, and Taraji P. Henson. These women really inspire me to continue my journey as an entertainer. Acting has always been a dream for me. At my age (39), I have always felt that it was “too late” for me to become “famous”. Viola Davis didn’t get her break until she was 46. It lets me know, if she can do it? So can I!

What would you say to those that are starting out in your field? Never. Give. Up. If it’s something that you are passionate about? Never stop the grind! I always tell my children: If you want to know your passion? Ask yourself, “If I hit the lottery for $100 Million tomorrow, what could I do everyday for free as a career? That, my dear, is your passion…. 

What is your favorite quote? ” No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt- What this means to me is that you have to grant people permission to make you feel less than who or what you are. 

If you could leave a lasting impression, what would that look like? A lasting impression, for me, would be simply for one to enjoy their experience with me. They could be a co-worker, a family member I’ve never met, or even a stranger in line with me at the bank. I would want all of their impressions of me to resemble that of someone great!!

Connect with Erica on her Social Media Sites:

Facebook: Erica L. Frazier

Instagram: comediankaution

TikTok: comediankaution