Home » The Manifest Chic: Dr. Stacy Bryant; Innovator, Master Life Coach, Trailblazer

The Manifest Chic: Dr. Stacy Bryant; Innovator, Master Life Coach, Trailblazer

Name: Stacy Bryant

Where are you from? Nashville, TN

What are you passionate about? Whats the driving force behind it? Very passionate about helping others. The driving force is that I believe I have the pure impulse to serve.

Whats your skill set? My skill set is quite versatile. I taught school early in my career as a 7th grade science teacher. Later decided to open a school teaching, training and certifying Life Coaches. So I believe my number one skill set is an educator. 

What set you apart from others of your same field? I believe what sets me apart is the way I carry loyalty and resilience.

Whats your purpose in life? I truly believe my purpose in life is to live, laugh, and love!

If you could choose any career in the world, would you still choose the career or talent you have?
If I could choose a career it would be to do what I’m doing now. Life Coaching and serving others is truly a satisfying and rewarding career.

What is Life Coaching? A Life Coach, and what I do as a life coach is, one who encourages clients through personal or career challenges. They also help guide clients to reach their ultimate goals.

What would you tell your younger self? The question what would you tell your younger self is a very thought provoking question. Through the years I have thought about and changed that question many times. I think the main thing I would say is to start self employment early. Do not wait. 

Knowing what you know now, would you change anything in your past? Knowing that I can’t change my past I don’t think about that. I just accept that my past is who has molded and shaped who I am today and I kind of like who I’ve become.

Who are your rolemodels? I don’t have specific role models anymore. I look up to and admire anyone who has been through hell and have emerged like pure gold. 

What would you say to those that are starting out in your field? What I would say to those starting out in my field is make sure that you have love and passion for it. 

What is your favorite quote? Explain?

“For me, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.” —Michelle Obama

It’s self explanatory.

If you were an animal, what would it be and why?
If I was an animal I’d be a bear. The spirits of bears are strong and confident. They are natural born leaders, helpful, and are often in charge. They represent the importance of rest and alone time.

What does entrepreneurship mean to you and why? Entrepreneurship means to me, finding something I’m passionate about and building a business around it.

What has been your biggest accomplishment? My biggest accomplishment to date is completing my PhD.

Many would say you seem to have it all together, what do you do when it seems that you are having a challenging day? Honestly, I don’t like that people think that I have it all together. No one has it all together. We are human. It’s a self journey that never ends. So if the day had gotten challenging, I stop and take a deep breath, and if I’m blessed with a new day, I try again.

I hear that you have jumped into Pageantry? How has that changed you, if any? Pageantry has increased my confidence. Doing something that I did not think I could do and actually winning, changed the way I see confidence in myself.

What would you tell someone jumping into Pageantry for the first time? What I would tell someone doing pageantry for the first time is just do it.

If you could leave a lasting legacy, what would that look like? Leaving a legacy to me is teaching my children (offspring) how to be productive members of society, and creating generational wealth that lives on through them.