Home » Inaugural SitiGirl Atlanta Kids Presents: Venna Blasco: Miss Royalty International Preteen and Miss Royalty International Mini Supreme

Inaugural SitiGirl Atlanta Kids Presents: Venna Blasco: Miss Royalty International Preteen and Miss Royalty International Mini Supreme

Venna is an 12-year old who is the founder of Toys4Dogs which was started in 2019 to help animal homelessness. During her reigning year her project became an official 501c3 nonprofit. She volunteers with other organizations consistently like The Just One Project, Serving Our Kids, Get Outdoors Nevada, and Ronald McDonald house charity. She also loves dance, piano, swimming, going on cruises, and playing at the park! 

In February 2023, she was Miss Nevada Preteen and won the International title of Miss Royalty International Preteen which focuses on being a model citizen by serving our communities. Her service and dedication is impressive for such a young person. 

First Name and Last Name

Venna Blasco

Full pageant title:

Miss Royalty International Preteen & Miss Royalty International Mini Supreme

Pageant System:

Miss Royalty International

Where are you from? Did you represent your city, state, our country when you won? Or are/were you an appointed Queen? Tell us your journey to the crown. 

I live in Las Vegas and had the opportunity to represent my state as Miss Nevada Preteen when I won at the Miss Royalty International pageant. I did many community service activities, appearances, and spent time with my coaches to prepare for the International pageant. 

How is this pageant system unique and why did you choose it?

Loved the focus on community service and being a role model to others. I am a role model and focus on helping my community so this was such a great fit to showcase my involvement and build the brand too.

What age division are you in?


Tell us about your pageantry journey. How old were you when you started and how has it changed your life?

I did my first pageant when I was 3 years old and I have continued the journey in pageantry since then. At first I was shy on stage but loved talking to people. I have grown so much in my overall confidence in my walk, interview, and building relationships. I am proud to have so many friends in so many states because of all the travel and titles I have held over the years.

What were the areas of competition you competed in and what did you do to prepare for them?

Miss Royalty International has 3 areas – Interview, Evening Gown, and Fun Fashion. I also competed in several optional titles which helped me win a secondary International title of Mini Supreme. I was the International Volunteer Service Award winner, International Spokesmodel winner, Fashion model winner, and best platforms and interview winner in the entire pageant. I did have 3 coaches I worked with leading up to the pageant and it sure did pay off!

Who do you think the best pageantry headshot photographer are to give you the winning shot?

I love working with Cambrie Littlefield, Trevor Yanke, and Rori Glover for my winning portfolio and headshots!

Who do you think the best pageantry evening gown designers are to give you that winning edge?

I wore a Little Rosie at Internationals with a fantastic cape that made me feel amazing! 

Where do you purchase your favorite on stage earrings?

Living in Vegas we have so many unique shops at the outlet malls and in small shops in our outdoor markets and conventions. I snatch up cute things whenever we find them. I do love bling so anytime my Mom lets me take home jewelry it is a good day

What is the best piece of advice you can give for winning the interview?

Show them your awesome personality. Be warm, friendly and kind. The judges want to get to know you, not what you think they want to hear. So, tell them your goals, passions, and heart for service!

When did you win your title and how did it feel?

AHHHHMAZING! After we win at the MRI pageant we get to do a red carpet interview and then walk before the Fashion show. I loved being able to do the red carpet interview and strut my stuff on the runway in my new title. 

What appearances have you made with your title or plan to make during your reign?

I have already done over 60 community service events, news interviews, and appearances with my title so far and really proud of how hard I have worked and represented my title. During this time I have made my platform an official nonprofit and spread more awareness and have done a few news interviews with my title too. 

Do you have a platform you will focus on during your reign? If so, what is it and give us the background story. 

Toys4Dogs is my official 501c3 nonprofit. I started this as a project in 2019 after I saw so many homeless people had dogs. I made dog toys and started passing them out on the streets in Las Vegas. Soon after it grew and I made toys for the shelters and rescues too. In 2022, Toys4Dogs had an official proclamation naming February 27th Toys4Dogs day!!  This is huge. Since then, I have created partnerships with other nonprofits to do distribution sites, donation drives, events to make the toys, and now senior center pop up locations. I have made a huge impact in such a short time and I am excited to see how far I can take this. I am proud that I can help pets with food, toys, and medical supplies now!

Usually when people see a beauty queen they assume the person is shallow or has had an easy life. Breaking that stereotype, please explain your most notable hardships you have overcome in life. 

I am a kid with Divorced parents. This is and can be really hard on many kids. I like to share how you can still accomplish your goals even if you don’t have full support like most kids might have. Now, it is so common to have split households and many kids struggle with this. I like to try to be a friend to all and be supportive when I can. Many people don’t know of my struggles because we only share the positive but sometimes it is important to share the struggles too. That just makes you more relatable and a friend.

If you care to share what is your educational level and how has obtaining an education shaped you?

I just started in Middle School in the 6th grade. Loving it so far and I hope to be a Veterinarian when I grow up and own a rescue too!

What do you do outside of pageantry?

I am a competitive dancer and was chosen to do a solo this year too. When I am not dancing or doing volunteer work I am playing the piano, swimming, and doing DIY craft projects. 

Who or what inspires you?

My Mom! We spend a lot of time volunteering together, doing fun activities and tons of travel. She inspires me to go after my goals and know that I can accomplish them!

What does it mean to you to be featured and what is your message to our readers?

Such an honor to be able to inspire others to get out there and make a difference too.